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Prediction Engine

Using the most advanced technologies in the IT sector, we have achieved our estimation rates on our platforms to the most skillful level.All desired predictions can be made with a high-performance rate by loading the correct data sets. Two different products were built on this forecasting engine so far.

Horse Racing Forecasting

It is a platform where all past data of horse racing competitions organized by the Turkish Jockey Club are compiled and the horses that will win are predicted daily. This platform, which has a race-based performance rate of over 80%, is live and operational.

Financial Prediction

It is the platform that compiles the data of the shares traded on American exchanges and makes predictions about both the values and trends of the shares in the coming day (and days). This platform, which provides important tips to the option markets, reports of the status of the shares estimated as high or low by day closing figures and it operates and provides services live for approximately 2100 shares traded on American exchanges.

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